Hello my friend... today I talk about a photography that
means a lot for me, because I take in Valparaiso last month,
a city magic for me, I always go to the port for exit of the city big, “Santiasco”.
This photography is of a ship were in the Port
in the late
afternoon, represents everything felt as I was in
“World's Slowest Train” taking a coffee, after of a ride for all
Valparaiso. Being there made me feel complete,
I didn't need nothing, I was happy with
the simple of live, a coffee accompanied by a cigar, music of a piano they
played the same visitors and ocean view.
In there minute all were very
clear, told me why the people stealing, lying, cheating and killing
for money? If I with only be there already I was happy, without money our luxuries.
was very crazy, I know, but is something magic that never I
it is a very beautiful photograph, i like a lot the ship and i love Valparaiso too.