Hello my friends, I want recommend a
documentary very good about Queen Band, It call "Days Of Our Lives”. The documentary is relatively new of a year ago, is produce for Rhys
Thomas and Simon Lupton, addressed for Matt O'Casey, celebrating the 40th anniversary of Queen.
I think that is very interesting see as the
peer of Freddie remember with very love, I always like the music of Queen and watching
their history I loved of Queen, because the documentary fails to show the real
people who are, people that love the music and search the perfection for their
fans, Is a first band which is part of the fans at his concerts, the
charisma of Freddie can.
I lament not able see in life a Freddie and
Queen in general, because now isn’t the same, Freddie is irreplaceable, for me
the voice of he is the best of rock music.